Dog Health Care Information – How to Collect a Urine Sample
- Early morning samples are best.
- Unusual circumstances will inhibit many dogs from urinating. To overcome this, prior to collecting the sample it is worth taking steps to increase the amount of urine in the dog’s bladder, before you try to collect it.
- Take the dog out last thing at night about an hour earlier than normal.
- Wait an extra hour in the morning before taking the dog out for his first walk.
- Put the dog on a lead, and take him out carrying a suitable container (e.g. A margarine carton or an old plate/bowl). All containers must be scrupulously clean. After the dog squats or lifts his leg, push the container into the stream of urine, trying not to catch the first few drops. Remove the container from the urine stream before the flow has stopped.
- Transfer the urine to a screw-topped container, (available on request from reception), and fill in the details on the label. Store the sample in the refrigerator if it cannot be taken immediately to the surgery.
Some dogs are passing so much urine that they pass it in the house overnight, that being the reason for seeking help. In this event, it should not be necessary to take the dog out earlier than usual in the evening.
Never with-hold water from a dog that is drinking / urinating excessively without consulting a vet first.